Legacy of the void zerg units
Legacy of the void zerg units

Lurkers/infestors/ravagers can deal splash damage and infestors can buff up the dps of hydras while holding bio armies down for ravager's attack to come down.

legacy of the void zerg units

This entire expansion just screams roach/hydra/ravager/lurker/infestor to me vs terran bio. Lurker: I feel as though the maker of this video is off a bit because lurkers wont go with muta/ling/bane they will go with roach/hydra. Not to mention if they are stutter stepping towards you you can put them in front and say STAY AWAY while letting your hydras hit from long range.

legacy of the void zerg units

Getting maybe 5-10 of these and letting these splash force terran to split up their units and spread out is exactly what roach/hydra wants against a terran bio force. Ravager: I am excited about this because it does seem as though it gives the roaches a range increase as well as a splash damage late game.

Legacy of the void zerg units