Vertical Sync options for Optimus notebook GPUs are now the same as for desktop GPUs.Added Shader Cache Size control to set the maximum amount of disk space to use for storing shader compiles.NVIDIA Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings.The Legend of Heroes: Hajimari No Kiseki.Support for NvIFR frame capturing in OpenGL.: After setting the display multiplexer type to "dGPU", the setting is not preserved across a reboot or resume from S4.The mouse cursor will be sluggish for a few seconds before returning to normal operation. To work around, click the mouse (right or left button).: Mouse pointer gets stuck after turning on HDR from the Windows Control Panel or after toggling G-Sync from the Nvidia control panel.Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed may crash on courses where players drive through water.: Video playback stutters while scrolling down the YouTube page.If this issue occurs, toggle the Windows HDR setting.: TDR/corruption occurs in the game with Windows HDR enabled.: Performance drop when there is mouse movement.: The game may randomly crash during gameplay.: The display may show random black screen flicker at 1080p.: Flickering and visual corruption may appear after extended gameplay.

: Visual corruption occurs in the game.See Security Bulletin: Nvidia GPU Display Driver - October 2021.Both Windows and Linux users will be required to upgrade to a 64-bit system should they wish to use the most up-to-date drivers available. Note to 32-bit Windows users: Beginning with the release of driver version 390, Nvidia will not be releasing any more drivers with support for 32-bit operating systems. It is recommended that you backup your current system configuration. Prior to a new title launching, our driver team is working up until the last minute to ensure every performance tweak and bug fix is included for the best gameplay on day-1. Game Ready Drivers provide the best possible gaming experience for all major new releases, including Virtual Reality games.